Tuesday 13 September 2011

Easy to care for house plant

Botanical Name: Haworthia species

If you like small house plants, you'll want to add at least one of these succulents to your collection. This genus offers more than 80 species to choose from and they're all easy to grow.
This stemless succulent grows in a rosette of fleshy, upright green leaves with sharp, pointed tips. The markings vary by species and may be striped or spotted. Some species may flower. The blooms are small and grow in clusters on long stems.

What these succulent house plants have in common is a tolerance for neglect. Put them in indirect light and water occasionally and you'll keep them happy for several years.

When watering, avoid getting the leaves wet. Like other succulents, it is prone to rot if its leaves get too wet.
It's a good idea to repot them every year or two because they shed their old roots each spring, and giving them fresh potting mix will keep the plants healthy. You'll probably want to propagate offsets at that time anyway.

Origin: South Africa

Height: 3-6 inches (7.5-15 cm) tall depending on species.

Light: Bright light. Keep out of direct sun, which can cause its leaves to shrivel.

Water: Allow soil to almost dry out between waterings.

Humidity: Average room humidity.

Temperature: Normal room temperatures (65-75°F/18-24°C) spring through fall. In winter, keep haworthia cooler (around 60°F/16°C) if possible.

Soil: Cactus mix works well. Or combine 2 parts peat-moss based potting mix and 1 part sharp sand.

Fertilizer: Feed monthly in spring and summer with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted by half.

Propagation: Remove offsets in spring and plant in their own containers

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